You can use a simple PowerShell script to uninstall all APPX automatically. Of course, removing the built-in apps on Windows 10 one at a time is a tedious task. How to Force Uninstall All Built-in UWP Apps from Windows 10?
Now when a new Windows 10 user logs in, this provisioned app won’t be installed in user profile. Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | where-object | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online –Verbose To completely uninstall a specific staged UWP app from a Windows 10 image, you need to specify its name in the Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage cmdled: Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online |select DisplayName,PackageName Now let’s take a look at the list of Staged applications that are built into the Windows image and are automatically installed for all users when they first log into the computer: The Staged state means that the application will be deployed for every new user account on this computer.
When you uninstall built-in app in this way, it still remains on the system in a Staged state (and is stored on a system partition in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps directory). If you have to uninstall a certain app for a specific local user profile, you need to use the parameter -User.